Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Just one!!!

We had our first ultrasound on Monday and we confirmed there's just one little bun in the oven.  I'm quite happy about this as I really did not want to carry twins.  Seeing that heartbeat was amazing.  I think M got a little teary :)  It feels a lot more real now that we've actually seen something.

Had a lovely lunch before hand with M, D and Chris.  M gave me this lovely heart in memory of the day.  I've put it on my desk at work.

I'm  getting a bit tired of the PIO shots.  I am counting the days until I am done with all of the meds.  Less than three weeks to go and I will be done with all the meds and released to my OB!  I'm so tired lately that no matter how much sleep I get, I feel like I need a few more hours.  Going off meds should help that too ..  or at least I hope so!  Aside from the tiredness and the nausea (mostly when driving...) I don't really feel pregnant yet.  I'm sure that will be changing any day now!